Wednesday, February 3, 2010

SAW: Torture Porn?

I found the first SAW film featuring the Jigsaw killer to be rather interesting, or at least I liked the initial idea behind the film(s). That the Jigsaw Killer wasn't exactly a murderer in the traditional sense of the word. He specifically choose his victims based on decisions they made themselves and their respective immoral behavior. Usually said behavior didn't just affect them, but other innocent people around them as well. Such as a lawyer who doesn't care if their clients are innocent or guilty and just wants to make a quick buck, or an insensitive Doctor who doesn't see his patients as people anymore, thus affecting their quality of care. Hence the Jigsaw Killer gave his victims a chance at redemption by giving them a choice between realizing their mistakes and accepting the consequences for their actions, or failing and thus dying a gruesome death.

Though in later films (A new one comes out every Halloween time each year) the Jigsaw Killer seemed to pick people who hadn't actually done anything all that bad. Or at least not anything worthy of being ripped asunder by metal blades or having spikes driven through their skulls. yet that is exactly what has been happening the more recent films, people are being killed for the smallest of infractions or personality defects. Which I think makes the entire SAW genre of films nothing more than torture porn. A worrying trend on movie making that has gained more popularity in recent times. For while there is nothing wrong in a good horror film, even a particularly bloody one. But films bathed in bloody gore for the sake of bloody gore are just a little too much for my taste.

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