Friday, January 29, 2010

This is utter nonsense!

I think I wrote a little blurb about Brittany Murphy and her untimely death awhile ago, and how I really wasn't all that surprised to hear of her passing. For awhile now there have been weird stories and rumors circulating surrounding her and her equally bizarre behavior around Hollywood. So hearing that she died because of a mixture of stress, emotional/mental issues, drugs and whatnot, was really not unexpected at all. What is somewhat shocking now is hearing that her apparently equally demented husband, Simon Monjack, is claiming that Warner Bros pictures is responsible for the death of his wife and he plans to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the company.

Mr.Monjack claims that Brittany Murphy was devastated after reportedly losing a role in the sequel to "Happy Feet." Which I had actually forgotten that she had a role in. Monjack believes that losing the movie caused Murphy to have a heart attack. WTF?! Seriously, she was so distraught over not getting a speaking role in an animated film that she had a heart attack? Who does that and if even if she had a heart attack because she was disappointed, how is that Warner brothers fault? Plus I don't think you could even prove that the new actually caused the heart attack. Which was drug related by the way! Healthy young adults do not have heart attacks out of the blue without either a n undiagnosed problem or some some of drug issue. I hope this case is bounced out of court and the idiot Monjack is forced to pay all the associated legal fees tied to this nonsense and then some!

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