Thursday, October 15, 2009

Darwinism at work: Boy falls out of homemade hot air balloon

UPDATE: It seems that the little boy in the story faked the whole thing under his parent's guidance, namely his unstable father. In fact the boy Falcon was never actually in the runaway balloon to begin with and everything, all the worry, alltegh money spent to search and rescue him, as well as all the subsequent news coverage was all for naught. So it definitely looks like Child Protective Services and the police will be making a visit to the Henne's residence to make formal charges ufnot outright arrest. For what transpired definitely constitutes fraud and cost the state close to a million dollars in wasted resources, at a time when every State desperately needs to conserve as much miney as it can in these troubling ecomonic times.

It's really sad that certain people lack common sense to such a degree, that it results in their untimely death or maiming. Such tragic events have been morbidly refereed to as prime examples of Darwinism at it's purist. Take for example the recent homemade hot air balloon tragedy where a 6-year old child climbed into the basket of said hot air balloon, that his parents conveniently left unsecured for him and his older sibling in the backyard, apparently where they were playing completely unsupervised around an improperly tethered Balloon. Thus 6 year old Falcon Heene
was able to take off and travel for over an hour and a half, completely disappearing himself sometime before the Balloon eventually landed in Colorado.

Though it has not been confirmed yet, it is very likely that the boy fell out of the balloon sometime before the actual balloon itself landed some 60 miles away from it's place of departure and is dead. Either that or the kid somehow managed to get out safely and is hiding somewhere afraid that he will get into trouble for what happened ( as well he should). On a side note the parents of Falcon Heene were on the 100th episode of ABC's Wife Swap and are apparent science enthusiasts, routinely conducting their own experiments. Thus the reason they even had a homemade balloon in the first place, as the hot air balloon was going to be used to gather information come the next tornado. Because of all the media hoopla, I imagine that if their child is actually still alive they will be getting a visit from child protection services in the near future.

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