Saturday, October 3, 2009

PS3 Games: What games I have thus far

There are some pretty cool free or mostly free programs out there for employees in certain retail fields from some major companies. Usually referred to as Employee Accommodations, they can be free, or greatly reduced products, free services and/or just promo items. One of the better ones is Playstation's Retail Loyalty Site or RLS, which specifically deals with promoting it's video games sales and it's respective hardware. You simply sign up, sign in and complete all the available quizzes and even write an essay or two and you get points for after each successful completion ( Usually each quiz takes about 5 minutes or less and yields 50 to 187 points after completion). Initially the site would send you free T-Shirts, promo items, posters, caps, figurines, PS3, PS2, and PSP games, but now because of the faltering economy you need to pay $10 for each item desired. They have also, at least for the time being, done away with all none actual game items ( aside from T-shirts which are not worth $10 a pop!). I would imagine this is because they cannot charge you $10 in order to send you a cap or some other small(er) item that would cost less than that same item if it were brand new. Some of the PSP games that are currently being offered on the site are also currently on clearance prices or their prices have been lowered to $9.99, so some of the games are subsequently overpriced online. Below is a list of all the PS3 games I have gotten for free or had to pay $10 for, and all of this was before I even owned a PS3 myself. There is also a similar site for Microsoft/Xbox 360 Games.


1. Little Big Planet
2. Resistance: Fall of Man
3. Resistance 2
4. Lair
5. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
6. Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction
7. Folklore
8. Heavenly Sword
9. Infamous
10. Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time
11. Uncharted 2
12. Little Big Planet: Game of the year edition

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