Sunday, October 11, 2009

How much will they screw this one up?

When a movie, even a really shitty movie makes millions upon millions of dollars, there is obviously going to be a sequel (if not a dozen). Which is why it was no real surprise when Michael Bay announced that production on Transformers 3 was already underway. Though hopefully the next film in the franchise will be much better than the last piece of crap, as well as have a substantially better story. Which might be a distinct possibility seeing as two of the original writers are no longer working on the upcoming sequel. Although who knows, since it could actually be that they were responsible for making sure the film wasn't 10 times worse than it could have been. After all it was reported that Michael Bay was actually the person responsible for the extremely stupid and racist twin stereotypes, the seemingly retarded Mudlap and Skids. Who I regard as the Transformer equivalent of Jar-Jar Binks and almost as offensive. I hope that in the sequel they simply are either killed right away, not feature at all, or simply do not receive a lot of screen time. For there are much better characters from the Transformers mythos to use in the new film.

Which brings me to a very important point, that Michael Bay and the powers that be behind the Transformer movie series really need to consider. It does the original series, and all the fans a huge disservice when established character are carelessly used, recycled and subsequently rendered unrecognizable in everything but name. Like in the case of Sideswipe and Skids, who were well known characters from the original TV series and toy line from the 80's. Sideswipe was the twin brother of Sunstreaker whose car form was a red Lamborghini, while Skids was a blue mini van and theoretician. Not the bubbling idiot he became in the film, which really needs to stop. Either use the character (and everything associated with them) correctly, or create completely new characters from scratch. Aside from Optimus Prime in the movies, not a single character seen so far has any of the already established personality traits, or character traits as the original. They don't even have the same vehicle forms or colors, which is just another affront in a long series of insults.

Now in some cases I can understand that certain changes have to be made, especially since a lot of the Transformers alternate forms are severely out of date. Like Soundwave couldn't realistically be a hand tape recorder, since they don't even make them anymore. So by changing him into an satellite was understandable and not a bad choice, since Soundwave's specialty was communications and anything having to do with covert reconnaissances and operations. But in the case of the other characters, no changes needed to be made or should have taken place. Like Ironhide is supposed to be a red van, but in the films he became a black truck. This was completely unnecessary since there are updated/modern vans and they can be easily painted red. The same things goes for Ratchet who should have been an actual red and white ambulance, and not some ugly yellow emergency vehicle. The person of these films is to entertain people and fans of the original series alike, not to sell cars. For that is exactly what the Transformer film have become, a series of very long and loud car commercials. It's actually shameful when you think of it as not everything in Hollywood should be about making money or advertising.

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