Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Shame Train

While living in in Innsbruck, Austria and other parts of Europe for so long I got used to taking public transportation. Especially since I lived somewhat in the mountains of Innsbruck and it was either a 15 minute bus ride home or a 45 minute walk home up hill. Plus everyone in Europe rides the bus anyway, even people with cars as it was that convenient. They even had multiple bus lines that ran 24 hours, especially those going to the main train station (Haubtbanhof) and airport. Which is not the case here in the states at all, aside from perhaps New York and Chicago who have well established public transportation for it's citizens. Alas here in LA, it is a nightmare! First off the main reason why anyone here would ride the bus is simple; it's because they have to! Either because they are not legally able to drive ( criminal record, too poor, homeless, insane, you name it) or they are not physically able to drive. That is pretty much it. Which makes riding the bus when you do not fit into one of the above categories pure torture! For even if you are environmentally conscience and wish to help out mother earth by taking public transportation, it is so unpleasant to do so that you would rather drive than sit on a bus filled with mostly insane and/or smelly homeless people. Which kind of defeats the purpose of taking the bus. It is supposed to be convenient and hassle free, but if you are assaulted by putrid smells the entire way or have to listen to the crazy Mexican lady spout bible verses in Spanish at the top of her longs the entire time, it's simply not! I happen to live within walking distance to one of the Metro Rail lines that goes directly to both of the Junior Colleges where I am taking German, French and Japanese this semester. And riding the bus to and from school is actually cheaper than paying for parking at both school for the semester, but like I said it is not pleasant to do so. Hence even people who really would like to do their part to improve the environment and overall air quality of LA, are completely discouraged from do so because of the many unpleasantries associated with Public Transportation in the Los Angeles area. Although this is a matter that affects just about every states from what I understand and have read. In fact Honolulu, Hawaii just passed a law that people who smell cannot ride public transportation. Which I think is a little extreme, but I also understand the rational behind it. Because some homeless people smell so bad, their stench lingers long after they have left, and there might even be some additional clean up costs associated with that. I know I would personally like to see all public transportation patrons who are already wasted before noon forcibly removed from the bus altogether, but buses are in fact meant for every citizen. Although it's technically tax paying citizens, so if someone were homeless and subsequently not paying taxes, then they really shouldn't be able to ride pubic transport to begin with.

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