Monday, September 21, 2009

Smokers: The bane of Existence

I have never liked cigarette smoke in general, even as a little kid. My parents used to smoke as we drove to our cabin in Lake Tahoe and I would be slowly suffocating in the back seat because they kept the windows rolled up the whole way there. But I didn't actually have a problem with cigarette smokers themselves until I lived in Europe for a few years. For it amazed me how stupid and inconsiderate most smokers can be, especially during the time I worked in an Irish Pub in Innsbruck, Austria. For the 3 story (if you count the basement disco) Pub didn't have any ventilation at all. The only places where fresh air could possibly come in or out was from the front and back door, which incidentally were almost always closed, and that is it! There were no open windows in this place or event the smallest of vents, yet people continued to smoke in what essentially was a gas chamber. And one would think that Austrians would know a thing or two about a gas chamber and would try to avoid creating such things. Alas no, for they even had the balls to complain about the air quality and how stuffy it was, which they were completely responsible for! What kind of special brand of idiocy does stuff like that?! To me that is like running someone over with your car, and then complaining that they got blood on your front grill.

Needless to say, because I worked there for so long, I developed some lung and breathing problems when it came to being in any sort of smoke filled environment. Which has followed me to this ad, as i have had several coughing attacks from being around smokers and breathing in passive smoke, even here in California where it is greatly reduced because of all the laws prohibiting public smoking.

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